If Only………..

There in the fog, she stood,

Not knowing where to turn to,

Every direction seemed to lead to darkness,

Every step looked like a step to doom,

She is afraid that the fog will clear,

And she will find herself lost in eternity,

She is afraid if the fog doesn’t clear,

She is stuck at the same place for her whole life,

If only she could sense the warmth,

That would engulf her once the fog lifted,

If only she could envision the light,

That would brighten her life,

If only she would …….

What is a job for you?

As I listen to many conversations here, one thing I realize is that for most people, their job is a means of bringing in money. From the time, I have come here, people have told… you should just take a job here , a job there but I don’t relate to it. Yes, do I have the financial stability right now to course me through a few years? Yes. But my job for me has never been a means to make money. If it was, I wouldn’t have left my 6 figure salary to get into teaching and earn one-sixth of it.

My job is my passion and will remain so. I always knew from my childhood that my need is  to create a difference in at least one person’s or child’s life. And from the time, I was at school, I made sure I volunteered at shelters or orphanages.

Teaching has been my bread and butter, not in terms of income but in terms of satisfying my soul. A child who could not read English ends up writing a beautiful essay, that is life changing for me. I believe there is no selfless deed..and mine is selfish too….this gives me happiness. For different people, it may be different things.

I am not making any judgments..i just want to know if you think of your job or work as something else other than a source of income.

Just curious to know various perspectives 😉